Pink Eye Home Treatment For Babies. The doctor can prescribe an antiseptic liquid to soak the cotton ball in before cleaning the eyelid. Potato usually works as a natural astringent and thus an excellent remedy to cure conjunctivitis 1 or pink.
Treatment for pinkeye usually focuses on symptom relief. If bacteria are the culprit the doctor will prescribe antibiotic ointment or drops for you to use on your baby s eyes for about seven days. Liquid antibiotic that you give baby by mouth.
Potato usually works as a natural astringent and thus an excellent remedy to cure conjunctivitis 1 or pink.
Potato usually works as a natural astringent and thus an excellent remedy to cure conjunctivitis 1 or pink. Over the counter drops can help with itching. Warm washcloths and cotton balls. It has potent antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties.